Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Has the pendulum swung?

Has the pendulum swung? Frugality is in and is spending out?

Are we in the process of becoming like our grandparents who lived through the Great Depression?

Across the US, according to a recent article on CNN, via the Internet, people are in the process of recalibrating the worth ( value) of everything: from jobs, savings to investment to real estate. Are you?

This article indicates that many citizens believe that the recent financial crisis has prompted a long overdue and necessary healthy catharsis.

Are a great number of individuals now placing more emphasis on intrinsic results ahead of profits? Does this apply to you and your family?

Many now think that we, as a nation, are at last becoming freed from poor financial habits and destructive attitudes.

This wasn't created by a suddenly religious revival. It's the direct result of the on-going scary financial and economic crisis.

Also according to the CNN piece "trust" is down.

"Trust no one, " is slowly become the new motto as now 1/2 of those interviewed no longer trust their Financial Advisers and a full 75% don't trust Wall Street! Is self security becoming a new entitlement.?

On the real estate side, we all know, that a high percentage of individuals are now underwater; their homes worth less now than their current mortgage. Couple this with the drop in their 401K's. Where is their level of trust?

Are individuals and families growing more and more cautious. Is it true that impulse buying is down.
What we know is : Retail sales are dropping and savings are up. This trend is predicted to continue. And the short and long range results of this trend will have sobering consequences in the manner of how we live, work, save and buy.

One think I'm sure of is that we are now in a most healthy transformative time.
Bill McInerney


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