Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Going Foreward! A Tip to the Wise.

History is history even in the real estate business! We all know, or by now we ALL should know, where were are.

But where are we all going is the question.

In my perspective the residential world will face a major downsizing, in all areas of the business. It's going to be ugly and mean. Home-builders, sub-contractors, mortgage brokers, appraisers, property inspectors and yes even real estate brokers and agents face a world of fewer and fewer sales and deals.

The critical test will be just how many Realtors remain active as dues paying members in that organization on a local and national level. Same of the Home Builders Association.

Big-name national "Brands" ( Franchise operations ) will be hit hard as their massive insane and foolish debt and extra-fat unnecessary, lazy and incompetent management cost continues to soar out-of-control while revenues dwindle and dwindle.

For the residential real estate industry I see it returning to the 1940 and 1950 model......progress in retrograde.
(If you don't believe me just read some true, valid, uncensored real estate business history from local sources. I think we are already back-in time and 2010 will be similar to 1933!!)

Will MLS survive? Pocket and off-market listings are now again prevalent. Discount residential brokerage firms thrive from MLS and they now pose a major threat to some well entrenched firms. Look at the numbers. The discounters are successfully peddling a greater and greater number of properties.)

The commercial world isn't much better but some solid and seasoned firms will survive and thrive!

The ranks of local realtor based commercial brokers and agents will also be hit hard in all front. The "rent-an-initial"days of professionalism (?) are gone.


For those left standing in 2010: if the following terms and concepts are not in your marketing plans and materials right now, just please get off the bus. And right now.
Embetter Generosity
Proflie Myning

While you were busy playing "copy-cat" real estate business 101, the world my dear, changed.

The day of the brand, the script, the template, the instant website, the pre-packaged company-store image, pre-packaged legal forms, the brand colors ( and silly blazers) the ever costly affiliation and paid association with national do-nothing associations, the agent and broker flip-machines, are over the hill.

Realtors are like the Elks, Lions Club, VFW, American Legion and other organizations that simply saw their day and died an inglorious demise.

Most residential real estate brokerage firms, as we know them today, in size and scope, are in the same boat as local newspapers. And sadly many of them don't even know it!

The best feature is that the day of the true independent real estate agent will once again reign supreme.

Bill McInerney

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