Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Note my Fellow "Blacksmith like Realtors!

Yes, we are darn good Blacksmiths. We know our trade; we have studied hard and we know all of the secrets. Sometimes we are a first, second or generation Blacksmith Realtor.

We know how to make a fire, make it sing. We know how to make the perfect Horse Shoe!
We are proud of out abilities and we serve our customer well.

For a long time now I've seen the Tin Lizzy, the horseless carriage, pass by my
shop. Some darn customers are selling their horses and turing to this modern marvel. I don't like it much but nothing I can do.

Well, me too. Either I get in tune with the modern times or I don't. That simple! If I don't I've already prepared the obituary for my Blacksmith Realtor business.

Today I'm using the Internet and I understand that Facenook also has over 100 MILLION customer hits per month. 100 Million! That's bigger than my entire state. That is 1/3 of the entire USA!And another thing, the 200 year old tradition of cheap energy is over.We jumped from wood to coal to fire those great steam engines that were the Industrial Revolution. We jumped to Whale Oil for Lamps and then out of the Blue we jumped to Oil and kerosene and then gasolne to fuel these combustible engines.

We went from ultra cheap gasoline to now $4.00 per gallon gasoline. And the cheap, inexpensive oil and gasoline isn't coming back

Either we adapt now or we won't thrive, or even survive the way we did. The old way of just yesterday are done. over and finished.

We now need to retool ourselves; we now need to go back to school and study high technology. The real estate customers and clients are way ahead of us and by light years.

They, you know "The Consumers," have new fresh ideas and demands; they want transparacy and less high pressure, they don't want to overpay every again for homes or mortages that just don't and can't work.

Discount Brokers are here and like-it-or-not they are making deals happen right under your nose. Sure, some might go away, but don't bet your lunch.

And by-the-way we are going to see even more changes. I'm getting ready. Are you? I just dusted off my old boy scout badge that states, " BE PREPARED!"

BIll McInerney

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